
Fil-UCC Prayer and Fasting Emphasis Week
January 2018 – Day Three

Devotional for the Week: CULTIVATING UNITY
By Brittany Rust

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” – Colossians 4:5-6

2nd word: Gentleness

Gentleness goes a long way in any conversation, relationship, or situation. Proverbs says that it has the ability to turn away wrath; its power is great and truly incomprehensible.

When you interact with someone, Colossians says we should do it in grace, that how we speak to them should bring out the best in them. Particularly in a tense moment or one with an unbeliever. Being kind with someone when your instinct is to lash out or correct is gentleness in action.

Therefore, when anger begins to brew in you and in the other person, it’s our responsibility to diffuse the tension. Choose to turn the table by responding in kindness and gentleness.

Whether it’s a relationship with another person or as a part of the body of Christ, choose gentleness to guide you. Doing this will speak volumes to those around you and help foster unity in your relationships.

Make it a point daily to pray for gentleness, that God will help you in the way you interact with and respond to others. Gentleness is not always easy but it is always necessary.


  1. Good health, physical strength and healing from sickness
  2. Provision of needs, food, shelter and transportation
  3. Love and care of all family members
  4. Spiritual growth within the family
  5. Togetherness and active participation of every family member in attending church programs, activities and fellowships
  6. Protection, safekeeping and Guidance
  7. Unity and harmony in the household
  8. Comfort in homesickness to those apart from loved ones
  9. Plans and future projects
  10. Friends and relatives (here and abroad)
  11. In-laws
  12. Victory over family challenges
  13. Godly and Purposeful child-rearing of parents
  14. Wisdom for all family members
  15. Regard to God’s work and ministry
  16. Family devotion and prayer time (that every family will engage into family altar)
  17. Healthy and loving husband and wife relationship
  18. Vibrant parents and children relationship; parents to live a good example to kids
  19. Good study habits and godly influence of kids at school
  20. And other family requests

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